Author Archives: PineProperty

old phone

Want to succeed? Start calling people instead of texting or emailing

A preference by Gen Z and Millennials to use text-based communications instead of a phone call could be undermining their job performance and career success, particularly in sales-based roles.

Research published in June 2023 found that an increasing reliance on modern communication technologies such as texting and email has contributed to telephobia or “telephone anxiety”, which is defined as an apprehension for making phone calls.

In fact a recent US survey found that 81 per cent of of millennials said they get anxious about picking up the telephone to make a call.

However, in commercial real estate – and indeed any form of sales or relationship-based role – text-based communications should be used sparingly as they are proven to undermine effectiveness and performance.

Whether you are canvassing for business, following up enquiries, or nurturing existing relationships, text-based communications will never be able to build the rapport and trust that a phone call can. It makes sense and is backed by science.

Phone calls are 34 times more effective than text-based communications

Two studies in 2016 and in 2008 found that emails are less persuasive and less effective in generating a positive outcome than picking up the phone.

However, this lack of effectiveness is often not fully appreciated by the communicator. The studies found that participants overestimated how effective or influential their emails would be in generating a response from recipients. This is partly because they failed to appreciate how untrustworthy their emails would be viewed as by others.

Conversely, those same people underestimated how effective and influential their in-person communications would be.

The ability of phone calls to persuade is likely because a phone call creates a stronger bond than text-based communications, something confirmed in a 2020 study by the University of Texas.

“People feel significantly more connected through voice-based media, but they have these fears about awkwardness that are pushing them towards text-based media,” the study’s co-author Amit Kumar said.

While historically, there was no alternative but to push through that anxiety and make a phone call, modern technology has made it easier and more convenient to simply send text-based communications.

However, this convenience, and modern automated sales tools that enable sending a series of automated emails or text messages over days or weeks, means that people are being bombarded with generic and impersonal text-based communications, rendering them increasingly less effective.

Furthermore, people’s fear of a telephone interaction being awkward is often overblown and once they make the call, they realise it wasn’t that bad, according to the University of Texas research.

Use the Most Effective Communication Tool

In sales especially, you should choose the communication method that will be most efficient, effective and persuasive.

And as with any habit or skill, the more you use the telephone to make calls, the easier it will become. While there will be knockbacks, no-answers, unreturned voicemails, and dismissals, you will also find receptive recipients, and be able to catch the right person in the right place and at the right time to deliver tangible outcomes, something that text-based communications will struggle to achieve.

Shared Office Space Northern Beaches

Northern Beaches co-working office vs leasing your own. Which is right for you?

Co-working spaces have flourished in recent years, including on the Northern Beaches and in Manly, driven by a rise in flexible and remote working arrangements.

While there have been some well-documented struggles for co-working companies like We Work, demand for co-working space in Australia and the Northern Breaches remains strong in 2024.

As a result, an increased number of landlords have been making their office space available for short term rent and crowding the market, one reason cited by We Work’s for its recent poor performance.

Add to that, reduced remote working opportunities and an increased requirement for workers to attend the office at least a few days each week, means that there should be plenty of spare desks at your local co-working space in 2024.

The Benefits of Co-working Spaces

Despite the ups and downs, co-working spaces are here to stay, and for good reason. They offer freelancers, contractors and 1 – 2 person small businesses a fantastic opportunity to scale their business without committing to long-term leases or investment in services such as internet, printing, power and plumbing.

Co-working spaces also present opportunities for businesses to network, collaborate and drive business growth, with many also acting as “startup incubators”.

Co-working Space Downsides

Despite their benefits, co-working spaces have downsides too, with many businesses citing key issues with noise and privacy, as well being unable to build a unique company culture to attract both staff and customers.

These issues make certain business types or industries simply unsuitable for setting up in a co-working environment, according to Northern Beaches and Manly commercial real estate firm Pine Property.

“Businesses in finance, law, real estate, and other sensitive industries are less suitable to co-working spaces and often transition to their own office fairly quickly if they start out that way,” Pine Property said.

“Conversations in these industries are often private, which makes open plan working environments unsuitable. Client perception is also crucial in those verticals and people may question how safe their information is in a shared office environment.”

We often come across situations where businesses’ have relocated from serviced offices and secured their own private office space due to over heard business ideas being leaked to third parties. Quite often like minded industry professionals group together to secure an office unattainable by themselves.

For other businesses, the noise is the problem. It only takes one loud talker, or a group of people conversing to make meetings problematic or impact productivity.

Culture Wars

In a bid to help businesses drive workplace culture, companies like We Work offer free beer, ping pong tables, and other social activities.

“For the solopreneur or two to three-person team, this can be a great way to improve the employee experience, however once a business grows, then generally they want to develop their own unique culture, rather than tap into the culture of the co-working space”, Pine Property said.

The Benefits of Your Own Office:

Moving into your own office is a transformative moment in any business ownership journey. It delivers you with a unique sense of identity, helps you turn your business into a brand, and often seeds a new drive to grow and succeed.

Productivity will likely increase with less distractions, while attracting staff and winning customers should be easier with a business that has the appearance of being more stable. Renting your own office will likely cost more than renting one in a co-working space, and you will have less flexibility and longer leases, so your business should have a decent trading history and/or financial security.

“Be sure to ask key questions about the lease, understand what internet speeds are available, and negotiate a market incentive with the landlord to ensure you have sufficient time to get established.”

If you are struggling to justify the increased rent, one option to consider is to purchase an office with your superannuation, and lease it back to your company.

That way your retirement fund is your landlord. If you are looking at securing an office on the Northern Beaches, please view Pine Property’s current listings here.

Signing A Commercial Property Lease

Six critical considerations before signing a commercial property lease

Whether for retail, commercial or industrial property, a commercial lease is a serious financial agreement, that people often underestimate.

According to Patrick Kelleher, the director of Northern Beaches commercial real estate specialists, Pine Property, people often enter a lease without appropriate due diligence, or a full understanding of the dynamics surrounding commercial real estate, with potentially serious consequences.

To help you navigate the commercial real estate market, and avoid any common pitfalls, Patricks outlines six critical steps that prospective tenants must take, but that are often overlooked.

Obtain independent legal advice

“Given the seriousness of a commercial lease, it is always advisable to consult a specialist commercial real estate solicitor and ensure you have thoroughly checked your lease and clearly understand all terms and conditions,” Patrick said.

Having a solicitor review your lease may save you extensive time and money pursuing a property that is not suitable, or even incorrectly entering into a lease, he added.

Ensure your business complies with council zoning and “permitted use”

Before you sign a lease, you should ensure that your business type is permissible in the location you are looking at.

Patrick said he often sees people investing time and money researching properties in areas where they are not permissible.

You need to understand the requirements of your business, and if they match the permissions of the property. Check the zoning and that there are adequate services, power and access.

“You should always check with the council if any permits are required,” he said, adding that sometimes technicalities catch people out.

“Do not assume anything. A takeaway food store may not be able to serve food on reusable plates, or a hairdresser may not be able to offer beauty services. Know exactly what you are getting into,” Patrick states.

Factor for possible delays in the DA and fit-out

As well as considering zoning, permitted use, and any permits required, if you are planning to fit out your new premises, you may need to lodge a development application (DA) with council.

“Depending on the nature of works, this can take an extended period of time in which there are extensive outgoings and no business income,” Patrick said, encouraging people to factor this into any rent-free period negotiations with the landlord.

“However, there can also be unexpected delays and you may be required to start paying rent before you can start trading,” he added.

Check your business complies with strata by-laws or if approvals are required

If you are taking a lease in a building governed by a strata body and executive committee, then be aware that they can make the rules irrespective of the zoning, according to Patrick. “They may say no cooking of flammable liquids, no music, or provide restricted access for deliveries and garbage removal, all of which can have a significant impact on your business.”

“I see tenants spending considerable time and money getting plans done and they haven’t even checked the by-laws. Unfortunately, some of them later realise their business type is not permitted.”

“Also make sure the building has the right provisions for your business. For example, if it doesn’t have three-phase power and you need to bring in extra power from the street, then the cost might suddenly become prohibitive,” Patrick said.

Does your rent include outgoings?

A key factor to consider before signing a lease is whether the rent include outgoings and repairs/maintenance, according to Patrick.

Outgoings include things like land tax, cleaning, security, rates, insurance, management fees, and more, and should be included in the Disclosure Statement.

If there are any undisclosed outgoings, they may not have to be paid, however also factor that outgoings can go up by market rates over time.

“Everything’s negotiable, as long as you consider it before you sign the lease,” Patrick said.

Is there a make good clause?

A make-good clause applies at the end of a lease period and typically requires a lessee to return the premises in an empty or neutral state.

“The make good provisions might require you to strip your fit-out and bring the property back to a bare shell. Or you might be required to re-paint or re-decorate,” Patrick said.

Form more tenancy advice and considerations, please download Pine Property’s Complete Tenant Guide here.

How to craft your personal brand and how it impacts your reputation

While most people consider how their reputation impacts their path through life, less common is people considering the importance of their personal brand.

Your personal brand is the image, identity, strengths and characteristics by which you wish to be known, and is defined by consciously crafting that image among your community and peers.

This differs from your reputation which is the actual perception that people have of you based on their – and others – experiences and interactions with you.

When you are considering your personal brand, you should also assess how it might impact your reputation, as your personal brand helps shape how others perceive you. In fact, the two combined are one of the most significant influences on the success of your personal and professional life.

First Impressions and Personal Brand:

First impressions, where your reputation does not precede you, is one of the most critical ways your personal brand can influence your success.

Within only a few seconds, people will make judgments about your competence, confidence, professionalism, trustworthiness, and social status. And if you make the wrong first impression it will be difficult to change.

However, with a personal brand that has considered how you would like to portray these and other attributes as part of your first impression, you will be far less likely to make a bad one.

How To Shape Your Personal Brand

Set Goals: As with almost everything in life, what you want your personal brand to represent comes back to your goals. Those looking to excel in the corporate world will have a completely different personal brand to an aspiring professional surfer. Once you have defined your goals, you can start to shape your personal brand around those goals.

Map Your Current Personal Brand: Next you should clearly identify what your current brand projects. Identify your strengths, weaknesses, values and qualities and then consider how to bring these into your personal brand – in relation to your goals.

Physical Appearance: Your physical appearance is one of the most important factors of your personal brand and ties directly with people’s first impression. How you dress, your grooming, style and body language are all powerful branding signals.

Body Language: Your body language is directly correlated with your physical appearance. How you stand, walk or sit, your facial expressions, gestures, all impact your brand and how you are perceived.

Online Presence: Social and digital media has provided incredible opportunities for shaping your personal brand. Ensure clear, concise and well presented information is presented across all channels.

Networking: Actively engage with your communities and peers across both digital and offline channels. Join events, clubs, online forums and channels and add value to conversations around areas of interest or your specialty.

Consistency: Branding – whether business or personal – is about message consistency and repetition. Mixed messages will cloud and confuse your personal brand.

Seek Feedback: Ask trusted people whether your personal brand reflects what you wish to project, and respond positively to criticism and feedback.

Guide to Funding a New Business or Franchise

How you approach funding for a new business venture is critical to its success, with important considerations around working capital, loan security, cashflow forecasts and loan structure. If you are experienced in business you will be familiar with these requirements and the importance of a robust business plan.

However if you are new to business, this may feel a little daunting, especially if you are considering putting up your house as collateral on a business loan.

With the survival rate for new businesses sitting at around 41.5%, you are right to be cautious, however the significant rewards of owning a business will continue to attract new operators.

One way to potentially lower the risk is by buying into a reputable franchise with proven systems and processes to help you succeed. This may also increase your chances of securing funding due to some franchise brands having pre-approved accreditation with lenders.

Franchise Business

Despite some of the negative publicity in the media over the years, Australia’s franchise sector is one of the most regulated in the world, according to Dan Toms. co-director of Franchise and SME Lending Specialists – CFI Finance.

While starting a franchise business does not guarantee success, partnering with the right brand may increase the likelihood of your business succeeding by helping you navigate the common pitfalls, and structure your business and finance for success.

Toms says that prospective franchisees should scrutinise the franchise disclosure document where they can see how many sites have ceased to trade over the last three years, along with franchisee contact details.

“Reach out to other franchisees to discuss their experience, ask what they like about the network and what they don’t,” he suggests.

How Funding a Franchise Differs

While lender finance products for franchises do not differ, many franchise brands have accreditations in place with banks and other lenders which provides streamlined access to funding, reduced paperwork, and often better interest rates, according to Toms.

Whatever the business you are planning, he says you should ensure you understand all the costs involved – also known as turnkey costs.

“People can overlook costs such as a landlord bond or bank guarantee, legal fees, stock and working capital,” he said, adding that other cost considerations include accounting, marketing, your shopfit, vehicles and business support.

The working capital you require will depend on the type of business and how long it takes to reach break even.

“Some businesses such as gyms that offer pre-sale memberships can be cashflow positive from day one. Other businesses take time for the marketing initiatives to take effect and a customer base to be built.”

“Any new business should also have a cashflow forecast with realistic expectations for sales and expenses. Most lenders will be able to provide you with a cashflow forecast template,” Toms said.

Securing Your Business Funding: “The 5 Cs of Credit”

Before committing to any franchise or lease agreement, Toms says you should first secure your funding with a loan availability period of around three months, which will give confidence to the applicant, franchisor and landlord.

“Funding your business is the most important step and will influence you entire business journey, and potentially mean the difference between success and failure,” Toms said.

He described the “5 Cs of Credit” that lenders will use as a baseline for whether they will approve your loan, and how much they are prepared to lend:

Character: This refers to the applicant’s credit report and credit score. How likely is the applicant to repay the loan?
Capacity: Can the proposed loan be serviced? Another reason why a cashflow forecast is required.
● Capital: What savings does the applicant/business have to put towards the project?
● Collateral: What security is available to secure the loan, such as equipment, property, or a guarantee from another entity.
● Conditions: Are there any market conditions that may affect the business? These can be macro such as the broader economy or more granular that only affect a particular brand, industry or location.

Types of Business Finance

“If a business is starting out then it is common that we would generally recommend a business loan,” Toms said, adding that CFI Finance also offer leases and cashflow lending.

“A business loan is a fixed term loan between three and five years where the interest rate is also fixed for the term of the loan. This type of loan also allows maximum flexibility on how funds are used, rather than lending being tied to equipment.”

Whatever business you start, due diligence around funding, finance and cashflow is critical. Ensure you have the buffer to ride through any troughs, and consider partnering with a reputable franchise to help you navigate the process.

The Conscious Closet

In the last couple of decades, fast fashion has dominated our wardrobes. A consistent flow of mass produced, lower quality items , turning popular fashion into cheap options for the ‘every day’ consumer as trends come and go.

Now, the second-hand clothing market is the new fashion trend taking the world by storm.

While there was a time when second hand shopping was nothing to be proud of, second-hand fashion is no longer taboo. Now every kind of Gen (XYZ+) shopper is turning to the second hand market, spurred by a  desire to help the environment and find alternative looks to fast fashion.  

The world of thrifting is large and growing. According to thredUP 2023 Resale Report – which is a second-hand online store based in the United States – the global second-hand market is expected to nearly double by 2027, reaching US$350 billion.

“I got it at Vinnies, ‘’Old Faves New Life’ and ‘New to Who’ are just some of the recent advertising campaigns that have been executed by traditional charity thrift shops Vinnie’s and The Salvos to help modernise their image and offering to a younger mainstream market. 

So, why is slow fashion coming of age? Here are five key reasons:

  1. Affordability – You can actually ‘upgrade’ your wardrobe with high quality and designer items at significantly reduced prices.
  2. Unique Style & Individuality – Finding one-of-a-kind pieces that allow individuals to express their personal style away from mass-produced, mainstream fashion.
  3. Quality – Pre-loved fashion, in particular vintage clothing, is often well-made and durable, standing the test of time.
  4. Supporting Local – Second hand shops are often small businesses or non-profits so purchasing from them helps your immediate community.
  5. Social Media Influence – Fashion bloggers and influencers play a significant role in inspiring pre-loved fashion. They showcase their thrift finds, vintage pieces and unique styling ideas to their followers, demonstrating that sustainable fashion can be stylish and on trend. 

But perhaps the most important element of the growth of the second hand market is sustainability. As consumers become more aware of the social and environmental impacts of the fashion industry, shoppers are opting for a greener alternative. Buying pre-loved clothing assists in the breakdown of the fast fashion pipeline from retailer to consumer to landfill.

Increasing the re-use of clothing is a big step toward a new normal in the fashion industry. Are you ready to join the sustainable fashion movement?

Do you love to thrift local?

Op for Change @op.for.change

Reseller @resellerstoreau

Sammy & Sid @sammyandsid

Lifeline Manly @lifelinemanly

Red Cross Manly @redcrossmanly

Vinnies Manly @vinniesnsw

Sale Lab @salelabstore

Sustainable Practices for Small Business

Environmental sustainability has become a major focus for small businesses and consumers. While it may seem overwhelming adding energy efficiency to a business owners’ plate, integrating sustainability into your business model is imperative.

But, small business owners are time poor and need practical sustainability solutions that can be incorporated into their businesses easily, with minimal effort and time.

So how can they make the shift?

We’ve looked at 10 ways that small businesses can start to become more sustainable;

  • Energy Efficiency – Implement energy saving practices such as switching to ELD lighting and turning off equipment when not in use. Consider investing in energy efficient appliances and encourage employees to conserve energy by powering down computers and other electronics when not needed.
  • Waste Reduction and Recycling – Set up a recycling program within your business and provided clearly labelled bins for paper, plastic & glass and other recyclable materials. Encourage employees to reduce waste by using digital documents instead of printing, promoting reusable containers for lunches and coffees and considering eco-friendly packaging options for products.
  • Support Local and Sustainable Suppliers – Prioritise working with local suppliers who share your commitment to sustainability. Look for vendors with eco-friendly products, use sustainable materials and practice ethical manufacturing processes.
  • Water Conservation – Install water saving fixtures such as low-flow toilets, faucets and showerheads. Regularly check for and repair any leaks or water wastage and educate employees about conservation practices.
  • Transportation and Commuting – Encourage employees to carpool, use public transportation or bike to work. If feasible, consider using electric or hybrid vehicles for business operations.
  • Sustainable Packaging – Evaluate your packaging materials and explore eco-friendly alternatives. Use recyclable or biodegradable packaging options and minimise excess packaging.
  • Collaboration and Engagement – Engage employees in sustainability efforts by creating a green team or sustainability committee. Encourage employee input, ideas, and initiatives to promote a culture of sustainability within the business.
  • Education and Awareness – Provide training and educations resources to staff about sustainability practices. Keep them informed about the company’s sustainability goals and progress. Educate customers and stakeholders about your sustainable practice and the benefits of supporting environmentally responsible businesses.
  • Engage with your community – Participate in local sustainability initiatives, sponsor environmentally focused events, and collaborate with other businesses to promote sustainability collectively.
  • Communicate your efforts – Share your sustainability journey with your customers, suppliers and the community. Seek feedback from employees, customers and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and innovation.

Sustainability is an ongoing process but if every business implemented just a few of these ideas it could make a considerable difference to the environment. By implementing these steps, small businesses can contribute to a more sustainable future whilst also lead to cost savings, improved brand reputation and increased customer loyalty. 

Northern Beaches Business Reviews

Guide to Getting Positive Online Reviews – A Critical Business Tool

Business reviews have a huge influence on people’s purchasing decisions and are one of the most important marketing considerations for Manly and Northern Beaches businesses.

And if you are a customer wanting to support a local business, giving them a positive review on their preferred review platform is one of the most powerful things you can do to help them succeed.

The Data on Reviews

Seventy six per cent of consumers regularly read online reviews when browsing for local businesses, with Google being the most widespread and trusted review platform across all industries, according to 2023 published research from Brightlocal,

While positive reviews can encourage a prospective purchase, even a few negative reviews can be enough to harm a business’s reputation and dissuade potential new customers, particularly among female audiences.

Research in 2022 on the impact of online reviews on consumers’ purchasing decisions used eye-tracking technology as a key measure and found that “consumers’ attention to negative comments was significantly greater than that to positive comments, especially for female consumers.”.

Ways to Get Positive Reviews

While some consumers may leave a review if they have a particularly positive (or negative) experience, the best way to drive positive reviews in your business is to actively ask for them.

This can be done at point of sale, through email automation, on social media, or even in printed communications.

You can also encourage reviews by offering discounts on future purchases, or with a competition.

Proactively asking for reviews can also help identify disgruntled customers and stop a negative review altogether. For example, your request for a review could read:

We hope you had a wonderful experience when buying “X” product/service. If you are happy with your purchase, we would greatly appreciate a 5-star Google Review here. If for any reason you do not feel our service warrants a 5-star review, please help us resolve it by contacting 

How to Handle Negative Reviews

Despite your best efforts, negative reviews may still occur, however you can minimise their impact.

Firstly, promptly, politely and publicly respond to the negative review, no matter how unreasonable it may be. This shows that your business takes customer feedback seriously and is willing to address the issue.

Ensure you present the reviewer with direct communication channels to try and resolve their issue and take correspondence out of the public eye.

Also consider offering a refund or replacement. Even if you feel the negative review is not warranted, this approach may turn a negative experience into a positive one and potentially retain the customer’s loyalty. Also consider what it is worth for that negative review to potentially be removed.

Monitor and Respond to All Reviews and Comments

Businesses should regularly monitor all relevant review sites, social media, and other communication channels, and respond to all reviews and comments.

Most popular review sites:

  • Google My Business: the most trusted review platform across all industries – 87 per cent of consumers used Google to evaluate local businesses in 2022.
  • Facebook: carry less weight than Google, however page activity and customer interaction on posts is a relevant and widely used measure.
  • TripAdvisor: Travel, hospitality and experience-based business reviews.
  • Product Review: Widely used all-purpose review site.

There are many other industry-specific review sites that may be relevant to your business and industry. Outside of standard review platforms: 35 per cent of consumers use YouTube to find information about local businesses, 32 per cent use Instagram, 20 per cent use TikTok, and 35 per cent of consumers consult their local news, according to the BrightLocal research.

Alex Anthem Cycles Running a Successful Gym or Fitness Studio

7 Strategies for Running a Successful Gym or Fitness Business

The Australian fitness industry generates around AU$3 billion dollars a year, presenting a huge business opportunity for smart operators.

However, there is also huge competition, with gyms and fitness centres on every corner. So what do successful operators do that sees them stand out from the crowd?

To find out, Pine Property spoke with Alex Jaques, founder and director of Manly’s overnight sensation, ANTHEMCYCLE    

Originally from Washington DC, Alex has spent over a decade working in American sports and event production, including with the NHL, MLB and the Olympics.

Upon moving to Australia, Alex could not find an Australian equivalent to a “Rhythm Ride” class in the US, which combines music, energy and community in a 45-minute full-body workout on a stationary bike.

Despite opening only days after the November 2021 COVID lockdown, ANTHEMCYCLE has boomed. Here are nine key factors that Alex says have been integral to her success.

1. Passion and Perspective: A unique or powerful concept like ANTHEMCYCLE might help get peoples’ attention, however, a concept is nothing without the passion to deliver customers a great experience, Alex says.

“Whether it is a pilates studio or a cafe, If you have a product or service that people want, have an interesting perspective, and are truly passionate about it, people will come.”

This requirement for passion extends to all staff and instructors in the business.

“All of our instructors are trained in Rhythm Ride, but the most important thing they have is the energy they present to the customer,” she said, adding that customers will happily forgive mistakes, but will not forgive a lack of warmth, energy and passion.

2. Culture and Community: Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all clients – regardless of experience level – is essential to building a loyal fitness following, Alex says.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s your first ride or your thousandth ride, we leave our egos at the door. As long as you do it with a smile on your face then we have done our job.”

For ANTHEMCYCLE, music plays such a big part in this. “Music is very powerful. It can change your mood. It can motivate you. People come in and connect with their type of music, their instructor, and their people, and our classes feel more like they are at a party.

3. Location: Alex credits a lot of ANTHEMCYCLE’s success to her high-visibility retail-front location in the heart of Manly that sees high foot traffic.

“I think a fitness studio should be visible and inviting with pumping music, while retaining the privacy of customers and delivering an element of mystery,” she says.

“You can see out into our studio space but once the door is shut, you have no idea what’s happening in that room, and it makes people curious to come check it out and try a class.”

Alex Jaques, founder and director of Manly’s overnight sensation, ANTHEMCYCLE

4. Expanding and Franchising: While Alex does plan to open more ANTHEMCYCLE studios, she cautions against expanding too quickly if your brand is still developing.

“When I do expand it will be in-house first while we solidify the brand, messaging and process of engaging with customers. Once we have well-defined systems from our first few studios, we may then look at franchising opportunities.”

5. Technology & Fitness: Alex says that people love a high-quality digital experience, and that has been core to ANTHEMCYCLE’s offering, with premium sound, studio lighting, and rhythm ride specific stationary bikes.

She also encourages the use of booking technology and automation and uses the MindBody booking application and suite of automation tools.

6. Marketing – Word of Mouth Reigns Supreme: While ANTHEMCYCLE has always invested in targeted advertising on Facebook, Instagram and more recently Google Ads, Alex says the best marketing is still word of mouth from people who love your product, passion and culture.

She adds that a formal referral program will help drive word of mouth, as will a high-visibility street-front location.

7. Don’t Procrastinate: Having started ANTHEMCYCLE in the middle of COVID, Alex says there is never be a perfect time for you to start a passion project    

“If you are truly passionate and you believe there is a market for your product or service, just go for it. Create a plan, take action and dive in”!


Brookvale Structure Plan: Council Must Conserve Culture and Creativity

In recent years we have seen Brookvale transform into a thriving creative and community hub, however there are widespread concerns that the coming 2023 Brookvale Structure Plan will undermine this.

Brookie’s boom in breweries, coffee roasters, surf manufacturers, industrial designers and artists has revitalised the suburb and been a blessing for local residents and businesses alike. 

The businesses – often attracted to Brookvale’s larger spaces, affordable rents, and gritty, industrial aesthetic – have created a strong community that fosters collaboration, idea-sharing, and mutual support. 

Their combined success has been aided by the Brookvale Arts District (BAD), an organisation created to maintain and enhance Brookvale’s existing creative and industrial fabric.

However, with Northern Beaches Council 2023 Brookvale Structure Plan proposing 1300 new apartments in buildings of up to 12 stories, there are widespread concerns, that the plan could drive gentrification and destroy the live music and night-time economy.

How Council Can Get The Brookvale Structure Plan Right

While it is inevitable that change is coming to Brookvale, how the Council implements the Structure Plan will ultimately make or break the creative foundations that Brookvale is built on. 

First announced in 2017, the latest iteration of the Brookvale Structure Plan is now under review – along with the 305 public submissions – and we will be unlikely to hear any further updates until 2024.

During this analysis period, Pine Property urges Council to ensure the following resources, infrastructure, and investments are allocated to stimulating and supporting culture, creativity and community in  Brookvale.

Policies that protect affordable housing: This is a proven strategy that can help artists remain in areas seeing gentrification. However, the Brookvale Structure Plan’s current affordable housing target is only 5 per cent. This is half of Council’s commitment to “seeking a minimum of 10 per cent affordable rental housing to be included in new planning proposals”.

Zoning Regulations: Brookvale’s Structure Plan must protect creative spaces, including designating certain areas as creative zones, or establishing regulations that prioritise the needs of creative communities.

Developer “Creativity Incentives”: Providing incentives to developers such as tax breaks to incorporate creative spaces into new developments will help ensure that as Brookvale expands, so does the culture upon which it is built.

Fund Cultural Spaces: Council must increase funding and support for cultural spaces in Brookvale, such as galleries, performance venues, and artist studios to help support and celebrate the work of local artists.

Involve creative communities in planning: Ensuring that local creative communities, like the Brookvale Arts District, are continually consulted throughout the planning process will help deliver a Structure Plan that is better for everybody.

Creative Use of Public Spaces: Encouraging art installations, performances, and events with local artists – and minimising red tape to deliver them – will drive adoption and help to maintain Brookvale’s cultural fabric.

Risks if Council Get it Wrong

If the above strategies are not embraced as a priority in the Brookvale Structure Plan, we risk losing the artistic values, unique identity and community spirit that has made the suburb famous.

We risk economic loss for all the businesses who have built these values. We risk losing the artists and businesses who have woven Brookvale’s social fabric. And we face a loss of the innovation that creative hubs deliver.

All eyes will be on Council’s revised plan when it comes – likely in 2024.